Random Thoughts

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I have started a running list of topics for future blogs, but this one is just what the title is...

In my short existence of being a blogger, I have enjoyed reading other people's blogs - it's a nice escape for a few minutes. I haven't done much exploring, as I rely on the ones I am already familiar with to lead me to the others. Maple Mama is the one I read regularly, followed closely by Berniera. However, I do have to say I, like Maple Mama, have become hooked on Minor Revisions (I have yet to post a comment). I have read about 10 of her postings (although will go back for more history), but I thoroughly enjoy them. I swear, some of things I've read have either been right out of my life or in my head at one time. The little things, not the revelations.

A future topic will be my version of 100 things...although I may do 2 installments of 50...or some random number for no particular reason.

I had dinner tonight with 2 friends of mine. We try to get together once a month or so - usually works out to every 6 weeks. I used to work with both of them, but I moved on to another job (actually it's 3 jobs later), one is still there (J) and one was able to "retire" (D). D leads a good life and at the age of 55ish, she barely looks 45. J usually dominates our dinner conversation, but not in a tedious way. She just always has a million things going on, currently J and her husband are building an addition. It's going to be great - I think in previous lifetime she must have been a remodeler and D was an interior designer. I'll have to suggest to them they open a business together. They can practice on my place. :)

We didn't have dessert at the restaurant, so a while after I got home I had a candy bar...specifically the Reese's PB cups with Caramel...it satisfied my chocolate craving, but did little else for me. Why turn Reese's into all sorts of different varieties? I admit my curiousity gets the best of me, so I've probably tried all of them. I found the only one I like better than the original is the BIG CUP Reese's. I think the original size has changed in taste over the years (of course, it could be my taste buds...nahhhh) and the BIG CUP has captured the original magic.

Another topic for another day - candy. Until then....sweet dreams. :)


At 8/09/2006 4:23 PM, Blogger MapleMama said...

I KNEW you'd like Minor Revisions. She wondefully captures that "I've been single than I've wanted to" angst, but articulates it so much better than I could ever, and somehow always turns it into a lovely story. I personally think she should ditch the bio-science work and become a full-time writer. Just my random 2 cents. My next recommendation: I like 802 Online because it links to several other Vermont bloggers.

Nice you had a little dinner out with friends! I THOROUGHLY enjoyed ours.
1. Because you know EVERYONE!
2. You're just good company!
3. I could eat slowly (although I don't think I did) - but didn't have to ask a waiter for the check before a toddler meltdown
4. People-watching. Downtown really brings them out.

I ALso TOTALLY agree about the 2001 reese cups. WHAT is with that? I too like the big cups, but do abmit to enjoying the Resse sticks, too.

Well - I should wrap this up as someone wants to send you a post, too...

At 8/09/2006 4:26 PM, Blogger MapleMama said...

This comment is really from MiniMaple...

LJLhilp, nuhnpk,9ubm,,,,,,,,,,,['

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Which I think translates to:
"You ROCK Auntie Sierra, and my Mama types fro split! "

At 8/09/2006 9:32 PM, Blogger Sierra Sedan said...

Did you see on Minor Revisions - she's an ALTO too??!!!!! Altos rule, sopranos drool (although at one time we were both sopranos). LOL

Thanks for the ego boost with #1 & 2 (and right back to ya). We will have to do more dinners out and let Mr. Maple and MiniMaple fend for themselves. It was too much fun for one family! (I can't remember what that's from.)

Thanks to MiniMaple for the Shout Out!! Your typing is better than your Mom's. :) LOL


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